
Cape Verde Connection

51反差婊鈥檚 CVSA executive board, clockwise from top: Diana Lopes, Alice Hafashimana, Leam Lima, Christian Mestre, Angelina Gomes, Paulo Mendes, Eliana Brito, and Lucas Furtado. Not pictured, Charline Reis.

Lima, a junior, says he found belonging in CVSA. 鈥淚 was raised in Cape Verde and when I got to the U.S. it was hard for me to connect with people at first.鈥 Now he sees value in teaching others about the Cape Verdean lifestyle through CVSA.

Rhode Island is home to one of the largest populations of Cape Verdean Americans in the U.S., and many have found a second home at 51反差婊. For over 30 years, the Cape Verdean Students Association has celebrated this unique culture. A strongly connected multicultural and multigenerational network, the group brings a distinctive positive impact to the 51反差婊 community and beyond.

By Anna Vaccaro Gray 鈥12, M.S. 鈥16

It鈥檚 a chilly Wednesday night, but the atmosphere in 51反差婊鈥檚 Multi-cultural Student Services Center is heated. Three organizations鈥攖he Cape Verdean Students Association (CVSA), LatinX Student Association (LSA), and Student Alliance for the Welfare of Africa (SAWA)鈥攁re engaged in a fierce competition: the battle of the playlists. Nine rounds are divided into categories from moody music to party music. Each group presents a selection, hoping to win 鈥渂est song鈥 and accumulate points.

Students holler and laugh, their energy as palpable as the bass thumping through the stereo. Even the walls seem to pulsate in participation. For the last round鈥攈ype music鈥攕tudents from CVSA play the song 鈥溍 Pa Pila鈥 by MC Acondize. As the Cape Verdean-born hip-hop artist raps in Kriolu (Cape Verdean Creole), everyone in the room gets up to dance.

This night鈥攑eople coming together to celebrate, educate, and share traditional music; where cultural pride is tangible, and differences are as joyfully revered as similarities鈥攊s a fitting snapshot of CVSA鈥檚 presence within the 51反差婊 community. 

Cape Verdean Students Association

Founded in 1988 by the late Antonio 鈥淭oney鈥 DaMoura 鈥92 and Alex Fernandes 鈥92 with the mission of 鈥減romoting and illustrating the history of the rich culture of Cape Verde to the student body, faculty, and administration,鈥 51反差婊鈥檚 CVSA was the first of its kind in the country.

Currently run by a democratically elected group of students consisting of President Paulo Mendes, Vice President Lucas Furtado, and an executive board of six, CVSA boasts a large membership and a wide range of programming. While the association primarily serves 51反差婊鈥檚 substantial population of Cape Verdean Americans, it鈥檚 open to all students.

Mendes, a secondary education major whose parents were born in Cape Verde, is a charismatic leader. Gregarious and motivated, his enthusiasm is infectious. Furtado, a double major in computer science and French, was born in Cape Verde, moved to the U.S. when he was 17, and has a quieter demeanor. Insightful and driven, his passion for CVSA is equally apparent. Their leadership dynamic is complementary as they prioritize creating a space for Cape Verdeans to center their heritage while inviting everyone to experience the vibrant culture.

CVSA鈥檚 weekly meetings range from fun to informative鈥攗sually both at once鈥攊ncluding game nights focused on the archipelago鈥檚 10 islands; lessons on Kriolu, the native language derived from Portuguese and African dialects; and batuku, a traditional dance. 鈥淎fter every meeting we have a dance session鈥攅ven when it鈥檚 not organized,鈥 Mendes says.

CVSA also offers a variety of supports to its members. 鈥淲e want to provide resources, such as how to pay term bills or find a career specialist to get an internship,鈥 Furtado says. 鈥淲e want to educate our members on everything available to them at 51反差婊.鈥

Their focus is partially informed by disruptions resulting from the pandemic. Among other factors, the prolonged period of canceled in-person gatherings led to shifts in student life and have necessitated a new kind of leadership.

鈥淭heir passion has been revitalizing the group,鈥 says Kristy Embrack Searles, a marketing and event coordinator for 51反差婊鈥檚 Center for Career and Experiential Education who serves as CVSA鈥檚 advisor. 鈥淭hey鈥檙e finding the balance of what works between remote resources, in-person activities, and campus-wide events; and they鈥檙e making meaningful connections with the broader Cape Verdean community in Rhode Island.鈥

As part of such efforts, they are intentional about collaborating with other multicultural organizations on campus. 鈥淚f we all work together, we all blossom,鈥 Mendes says. In December, a Winter Wonderland event included a gingerbread house competition, cookie decorating, ornament making, and photos with Santa and was well attended by students from other groups such as LSA and SAWA.

Broader statewide initiatives are also being developed, including internships and volunteer opportunities at the Cape Verdean Museum in Pawtucket, R.I., the first museum in the country dedicated to celebrating the history and culture of Cape Verde and Cape Verdean Americans.

鈥淲e really want to give back to the community and support the whole Cape Verdean population in Rhode Island,鈥 Mendes says.

For some members, CVSA is the one place on campus where they feel like they don鈥檛 have to explain themselves. For others, it provides cultural connection.

鈥淚 didn鈥檛 grow up speaking Kriolu,鈥 says junior health sciences major Angelina Gomes, noting that she often felt something was missing in terms of understanding her roots. 鈥淲hen I came to CVSA, they said, 鈥榃e鈥檒l teach you.鈥 I finally found the place where my culture was celebrated.鈥

Diana Lopes, a second-year health sciences major, grew up in East Providence surrounded by Cape Verdean culture; her parents speak only Kriolu at home. She felt unmoored at 51反差婊 before joining CVSA. 鈥淏eing at a predominantly white institution, I felt adamant that I had to find my people,鈥 she says. At CVSA, she felt at home.

Sophomore business major Christian Mestre says, 鈥淚 want people to know about the culture and understand its impact. A lot of people don鈥檛 realize how significant Cape Verde has been to American and world history.鈥

While CVSA programming and events are focused on Cape Verde, Mendes notes the importance of honoring the mixture of subcultures most students experience. 鈥淚t鈥檚 at the forefront of my mind to acknowledge all the cultures people are coming to the group with,鈥 he says. 鈥淚 want to make sure I learn about them and give them the spotlight at times, too.鈥 This helps students embrace the inherent complexity of identity and find more ways to learn from each other.

Aerial view of the Praia lighthouse on Santiago.

The Praia lighthouse on Cape Verde’s largest Island, Santiago. 

One People, Many Faces

Nestled in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa, Cape Verde is a cluster of 10 islands with a combined land area only slightly larger than the state of Rhode Island鈥攖he size being the only thing about it that is relatively unremarkable.

鈥淚ts positioning is its gift and its curse,鈥 says Sara Monteiro 鈥08, co-chair of 51反差婊鈥檚 Alumni of Color Network and former member of CVSA, of how Cape Verde has proven pivotal both logistically and culturally.

Portugal claimed the uninhabited islands in 1456, and for over 300 years the archipelago was a hub for the transatlantic trade of enslaved people from all over Africa. During the Spanish and Portuguese inquisitions, it was a place of refuge for Jews and other victims of religious persecution. As commercial routes expanded, Cape Verde became a bustling trading port and coaling and resupplying stop connecting Africa, America, Brazil, and Europe.

The amalgamation of different groups coming together as one people began to shape a singular Cape Verdean ethnicity鈥攐ne that is both diverse and distinctive. 鈥淐ape Verdean identity is like fruit punch, where many fruits mix together to create something delicious,鈥 Furtado says. 鈥淟ots of little pieces from different countries come together to create one beautiful culture.鈥

鈥淐ape Verdean identity is like fruit punch, where many fruits mix together to create something delicious.鈥
Lucas Furtado, Vice President, 51反差婊 Cape Verdean Students Association

Droughts beginning in the 1800s prompted Cape Verdeans to seek opportunities off the islands, and many came to New England for maritime industries. Rhode Island is now home to one of the largest populations of Cape Verdean Americans in the country (estimated to be 18,000), second only to Massachusetts.

鈥淲e were the very first Africans to arrive in the United States outside of slavery of our own accord,鈥 says Joe DaMoura 鈥00, brother of CVSA founder Toney DaMoura. Joe is a former member of CVSA and is president of the Cape Verdean Museum. 鈥淐ape Verdean pride and culture have been important parts of building American culture.鈥

Proximity to the islands is not necessary for members of the diaspora to experience a strong relationship. Political scientist Abel Djassi Amado has researched and written extensively on Cape Verde. The former 51反差婊 lecturer, currently a Simmons University faculty member, says no matter where they live, Cape Verdeans have one thing in common: longing for home. Even those born in the United States鈥攍ike Mendes鈥攅cho this sentiment because of how families instill tradition through food, language, music, and dance.

鈥淣o matter how many generations removed you are from being born there, you still have that communal tie to home,鈥 says Bobby Britto-Oliveira 鈥06, M.S. 鈥11, assistant director of 51反差婊鈥檚 Multicultural Student Services Center and co-chair of the Alumni of Color Network. An avid attendee of CVSA events in his time as a student, he has served in an administrative support role to the group since 2012. 鈥淓stablishing that pride is important. It gives you the connection you don鈥檛 always have in everyday meetings and classes as a student from the African diaspora at a predominantly white institution.鈥

鈥淚t鈥檚 about preserving culture and not assimilating,鈥 adds Monteiro. 鈥淕roups like CVSA are byproducts of our vision of staying true to our authentic selves.鈥

Member of CVSA wearing a white t shirt that reads "To promote and educate people of all races and ethnic backgrounds about Cape Verdean culture and history."

A CVSA T-shirt shows CVSA鈥檚 mission, along with the 10 Cape Verde islands and 10 stars representing the islands on the country鈥檚 flag. 

鈥淣o matter how many generations removed you are from being born there, you still have that communal tie to home.鈥
Bobby Britto-Oliveira 鈥06, M.S. 鈥11

Reach Forward, Give Back

For a student association to stand the test of time鈥攖hrough changes in leadership, cycles of students coming and going, and a global pandemic鈥攊s no small feat. For CVSA, its strength is in its roots.

51反差婊鈥檚 Talent Development (TD) program was established in 1968 to recruit Rhode Island high school graduates from historically underserved groups, and it works closely with high schools that have large Cape Verdean populations. Toney and Joe DaMoura, Mendes, Furtado, and many other CVSA members came to 51反差婊 through TD.

Karoline Oliveira 鈥94, M.S. 鈥03, who, as a student, was one of CVSA鈥檚 first secretaries, is now vice president of the board of directors for the Cape Verdean Museum. 鈥淭D gave us a place to explore what we wanted for ourselves, what we wanted in a classroom, and what we could do about it,鈥 she says. 鈥淲e found a community that strengthened us and empowered us to use our voices in other spaces.鈥

In November 1992, four years after CVSA was established, student leaders鈥攊ncluding Malcolm Anderson 鈥94, Oliveira, the DaMoura brothers, and others鈥攆ormed the Black Student Leadership Group (BSLG). They conducted a nonviolent takeover of Taft Hall in an effort to improve racial tensions on campus.

It was a significant moment in 51反差婊鈥檚 history and one with lasting impact. While it was not the first protest focused on the campus racial climate, it was notable in its scope.

鈥淭he students felt strongly that they were advocating even for identities they did not share,鈥 says Searles of the 14 actionable demands that the BSLG developed and fought for through the protest. 鈥淭he fact that there is now an Africana studies major; a prominent Multicultural Student Services Center; an Office of Community, Equity and Diversity鈥攖hese were all seeds that were sown by the BSLG.鈥

These initiatives are essential for the well-being of various marginalized groups and vital components of a thriving university. The threads that weave through the BSLG鈥檚 vision, DaMoura鈥檚 mission in establishing CVSA, and the longevity of the group are reflective of what Cape Verdean culture prioritizes as a whole: the belief that community, celebration of identity, reciprocity, and diversity are strengths to be protected and cultivated.

There are many ways to measure the success of a program like TD, including how many students it brings to campus. But the power is really in the unique perspectives and contributions each student brings, enriching the 51反差婊 community in immeasurable ways. Such diversity and inclusion efforts are not a zero-sum game; it is a multiplication of value that we all benefit from.

鈥淲e recognized that we may not be there to experience the results of our advocacy,鈥 Oliveira says of the 1992 events. 鈥淏ut we needed to leave the University better, stronger, and more inclusive for people who came after us.鈥

Mendes and Furtado are two who have benefitted and continuing this cycle of reaching forward and giving back鈥攈onoring those who came before while paying it forward for future generations鈥攕hapes their vision as leaders of CVSA. 鈥淪eeing this wave of students become torchbearers to carry on this legacy is inspiring,鈥 adds Britto-Oliveira.

A country with a singular鈥攁t times tumultuous鈥攈istory creating a people who feel united despite, or perhaps because of, immense differences is a reminder that while race is a construct, ethnicity is a story. 鈥淐ape Verdeans have much to teach us about their interdependent transnational society, their community-based culture that spans borders, and the beauty in their acts of survival,鈥 a sign in the entryway of the Cape Verdean Museum reads.

鈥淲e鈥檙e all different, but we still come together at the end of the day as one country,鈥 Furtado says.

鈥淲e鈥檙e a glimpse into what the future could be,鈥 DaMoura adds.

Author鈥檚 note: Cabo Verde has long been called Cape Verde in English-speaking countries. In 2013, its government requested that the official Portuguese name Cabo Verde no longer be translated between languages. Because this article focuses on the Cape Verdean Students Association, a group that was named in 1988, and individuals who use the terminology Cape Verde and Cape Verdean colloquially, we use that wording here.

Photos: Nora Lewis, iStock

A Cape Verdean Legacy

Earl N. Smith III '89 - speaking outdoors at a podium in graduation robes

It is impossible to celebrate CVSA and 51反差婊鈥檚 vibrant Cape Verdean community without acknowledging the late Earl N. Smith III 鈥89, former member of both CVSA and the Black Student Leadership Group and assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 2007 until his death in 2022. A proud Cape Verdean American, he was a champion of many multicultural initiatives on campus.

Smith and Abel Djassi Amado鈥 former lecturer at 51反差婊, now at Simmons University鈥攄eveloped and directed a study abroad program in Cape Verde, first taking students to the country in the summer of 2010. While there, students engaged in service-learning opportunities, visited historic sites, participated in educational sessions, and鈥擲mith鈥檚 favorite activity鈥攍earned local fishing techniques for catching marlin and tuna. For many student participants, it was their first time visiting the homeland of their parents and ancestors.

The program has been paused since 2020 when travel was disrupted due to the pandemic. 鈥淪everal parts of the university are coming together to rebuild it now, including Africana studies, Talent Development, and the study abroad program,鈥 says Catherine John-Camara, chair of 51反差婊鈥檚 Department of Africana Studies. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a need, that鈥檚 for certain.鈥

鈥擜nna Vaccaro Gray 鈥12, M.S. 鈥16

Photo: Nora Lewis


  1. Great article. I am proud to hear the testimony of so many students that found CVSA as a vehicle to grow, understand and be proud of their culture. That was our vision (Tony and I ) when we founded this great association for all students. I鈥檓 proud and humbled. 鉂わ笍馃挭馃徑馃嚚馃嚮

  2. This was a wondedful article to read and was forwarded to me by my cousin Alex Fernandes who was a founding member. In 1991,I was voted Vice-President of CVSA at 51反差婊 and in 1992 became President. I knew Toney and his family very well and we were great friends. Joe Damoura and his sister Maria attended 51反差婊 and were members of our group during this time. And I and our group were part of the sit-in at Taft Hall that year. It brought back great memories and I was and always will be part of our CVSA family! Good luck to all past and future generations of this special and unique group of 51反差婊 students.
    God Bless & Nos Ku Nos!!!

  3. Hearing all the stories of how and why CVSA started from Alex Fernandes then reading this story brings great joy to my heart seeing the vision not only fulfilled but expanded.
    Thank you for a well written article.

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